Ansell Chimneys

01923 661 614

07941 282 325

07976 318 160

Ansell Chimneys

chimney sweep

stove installation

Full range of multi fuel and wood burning stoves

Bird Guards and Chimney Cowls

Naturally, birds build nests in trees. However, due to widespread deforestation over the last few centuries, birds have had to find alternative places to build their nests. Unfortunately a chimney makes a great nesting spot for birds.

Birds nests, as well as the birds themselves, can cause many problems in a chimney.

  • The nest blocks the chimney flue and prevents smoke and dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide from escaping.
  • Nests soak up water and can cause damp patches to form on chimneys as a result.
  • The birds who inhabit the nest may get trapped and die. This can lead to bad smells and of course, the dead bird has to be removed from the chimney which could be an awkward operation.
  • Birds roost near their nests, meaning that they'll perch on your chimney pot. They'll also leave their droppings on your chimney pot.
  • The birds may also fall down your chimney, bringing soot with them. They leave a mess to clean up and they can be difficult to get out of the house.

All of the above problems can be prevented by fitting a simple chimney bird guard.

Chimney Cowls

Chimney Cowls, rain caps and birdguards are available in a wide range of colours and stainless steel.

Cowls, to prevent downdraught, leaf, rain and bird entry are provided by popular designs such as Colt, Eurocowl, OH Cowl, Rotavent and Flue and Chimney.

This flexibility of design covers all fuels and bolt or strap fixings for chimney pots, custom built system chimneys and flue pipes.

Why not call Ansell Chimneys now for a free quote

If you would like to know more or are interested in a quote we would be happy to help. Phone us on 01923 661 614, email us at or fill in our enquiry form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.